Privacy Notice
Data protection
Please note that the operators of sites linked to from may store and evaluate data pertaining to users of the respective websites. This also applies to sites operated on behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection on external servers such as Facebook or YouTube. Please see the privacy notices on the respective websites for further information.
Please click this link for further details on behaviour on social networks.
The Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection is present on:
Technical implementation
Our web server is operated by the Bavarian State Office for Digitalisation, Broadband and Measurements (Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung).
Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung
IT-Dienstleistungszentrum des Freistaats Bayern
St.-Martin-Straße 47
81541 Munich
Contributing company
Südendstraße 3
D-82110 Germering
phone: +49 89 89427047
fax: +49 89 89427048
When you access this website or other websites, you transmit data to our webserver via your Internet browser. The following data are recorded during an active connection that allows for communication between your browser and our web server:
- Date and time of request
- Name of file requested
- Page from which the file was requested
- Access status (File transferred, file not found, etc.)
- Web browser and operating system used
- Full IP address of the requesting computer
- Data volume transferred.
We store these data for technical security reasons, particularly to protect against attempted attacks on our web server. The data are anonymised after a period of no more than seven days by truncating the IP address to domain level so that it can no longer be connected to an individual users. The data collected are processed in anonymised format exclusively for this purpose and for statistical purposes; data will never be compared with other databases or passed on to third parties, even in the form of excerpts.
Collection of further data
The content of this website offers the option to enter personal or business information. If you do so, your data will be encrypted using encryption software (SSL) during transport and protected against access by third parties.
E-mail addresses entered when subscribing to our newsletter are stored and used only for the distribution of the newsletter. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking the following link: Your e-mail address will then be deleted automatically.
The address details you provide when ordering a publication will be used only for the purposes of providing the publication ordered. We will delete your data no later than one year after the placement of your order. Your address and your order will be forwarded to the following companies commissioned to handle delivery:
Rocher Direktmarketing-Services e.K.
Benzstr. 5
82178 Puchheim
phone: +49 89 8973630
Information you transmit to us in unencrypted format via e-mail could possibly be accessed by third parties during transfer. We are generally unable to verify your identity and do not know the person behind an e-mail address. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee legally secure communication via e-mail. Similarly to many e-mail providers, we use filters to remove unwanted advertising (SPAM filters) which, in rare cases, may also mistakenly identify normal e-mails as unwanted advertising and delete them accordingly. E-mails containing harmful programs (“viruses”?) are always deleted automatically.
If you wish to send us any information that requires protection, we recommend that you encrypt and sign this information to prevent unauthorised access and corruption during transmission or that you send the information using conventional post. Encrypted e-mails can be sent to us as follows:
PGP-encrypted e-mails can be sent to the following e-mail address:
You can request the required PGP communication key (Public Key) from the central PGP Key Server of the Bavarian public authorities network at: "". Information on setting up PGP for communication with the Bavarian administrative bodies (PDF 774 KB)
For information on the free “GpG4Win”? encryption software developed on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for the purposes of increasing security in information technology, please visit: . The PDF brochure that can be downloaded from this website provides additional information on the use of PGP for communication with the Bavarian administrative bodies.
Please also let us know whether and in what form we can send you encrypted e-mails in response to your query and whether – if this is not possible – you will accept an unencrypted reply to your e-mail. If you are unable to receive encrypted e-mails, please provide your postal address so we may respond to your confidential query by letter.
Contact persons and further information
Should you have any further questions concerning data protection in connection with this website, please contact us as follows:
Tel: +49 89 9214-2336,
Fax: +49 89 9214-2580
The Data Protection Officer has inspected and approved this website with regard to its compliance with data protection regulations. You may also consult the public directory of procedures published by the Data Protection Officer, in which all of our personal data processing procedures are listed. You may also request information concerning all personal data stored in relation to you and correct any inaccurate data (pursuant to Art. 10 and 11 of the Bavarian Data Protection Act / Bayerisches Datenschutzgesetz). Where legally permissible, you may request the blocking or deletion of the data stored (pursuant to Art. 12 of the Bavarian Data Protection Act / Bayerisches Datenschutzgesetz). Further information on the topic of data protection can be found on the website of the Bavarian State Data Protection Officer (
phone: +49 89 2126720,
fax: +49 89 21267250.