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Statements of the International Committee on Nuclear Technology (ILK) Download
- Summary of top-level Statements from ILK Statements and ILK Recommendations (July 2009) (PDF, 835 KB)
ILK-34 E
- ILK Statement on the "Safety Requirements Governing the Final Disposal of Heat-Generating Radioactive Waste" (July 2009) (PDF, 771 KB)
ILK-33 E
- ILK Statement: Safety Management in Nuclear Power Plants - Status and necessary Requirements for Developments (April 2009) (PDF, 251 KB)
ILK-32 E
- ILK Statement on Fundamental Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants (September 2008) (PDF,265 KB)
ILK-31 E
- "Fundamental Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants" (September 2008) (PDF, 334 KB)
Attachment to ILK-31 E
- ILK Statement on BMU Paper "Taking on Responsibility: Implementing the Consensus Agreement on Disposal" (July 2007)(PDF,185 KB)
ILK-30 E
- ILK Statement on BMU Project "Update of Nuclear Regulatory Guidelines (June 2007) (PDF180 KB)
ILK-29 E
- ILK Report on the Assessment of Nuclear Oversight Activities of the Ministry of Environment, Baden-Württemberg (December 2006)(PDF,228 KB)
ILK-28 E
- ILK Recommendations on the Further Development of Periodic Safety Reviews in Germany (November 2006) (PDF, 230 KB)
ILK-27 E
- ILK Statement on the Impacts of the Chernobyl Accident - An Inventory after 20 years (January 2006) (PDF, 319 KB)
ILK-26 E
- ILK Recommendation on the Revitalisation of the Repository Projects Gorleben and Konrad (November 2005) (PDF, 249 KB)
ILK-25 E
- ILK Statement on the Utilization of Nuclear Energy in Germany (November 2005) (PDF,277 KB)
ILK-24 E
- ILK Statement on determining Operating Periods for Nuclear Power Plants in Germany (September 2005) (PDF, 217 KB)
ILK-23 E
- ILK Recommendations on Requirements on Updated General Nuclear Regulatory Guidelines in Germany (July 2005) (PDF, 236 KB)
ILK-22 E
- ILK-Report: Summary of the International ILK Workshop „Sustainability“ (May 2005) (PDF, 172 KB)
ILK-21 E
- ILK Statement on Requirements on Anticipated Transients without Scram (ATWS) (March 2005) (PDF,200 KB)
ILK-20 E
- ILK Statement on the Regulator’s Management of the Licensee Self-Assessments of Safety Culture (January 2005) (PDF,220 KB)
ILK-19 E
- ILK Summary Report of the 2 nd International ILK Symposium “Harmonisation of Nuclear Safety Approaches A Chance for Achieving more Transparency and Effectiveness?” (May 2004) (PDF,127 KB)
ILK-18 E
- ILK Statement on Maintaining Competence in the Field of Nuclear Engineering in Germany (March 2004) (PDF,125 KB)
ILK-17 E
- ILK Statement on Sustainability Evaluation of Nuclear Energy and other Electricity Supply Technologies (January 2004) (PDF,106 KB)
ILK-16 E
- ILK Recommendation on the Avoidance of Dependent Failures of Digital I&C Protection Systems (September 2003) (PDF, 65 KB)
ILK-15 E
- ILK Statement on the Recommendations of the Committee on a Selection Procedure for Repository Sites (AkEnd) (September 2003) (PDF, 90 KB)
ILK-14 E
- ILK Statement on the Proposals for EU Council Directives on Nuclear Safety and on Radioactive Waste Management (May 2003)(PDF, 77 KB)
ILK-13 E
- Internal ILK Report on the Intentional Crash of Commercial Airliners on Nuclear Power Plants (March 2003)(PDF, 31 KB)
ILK-12 E
- ILK Recommendation on Performing International Reviews in the Field of Nuclear Safety in Germany (September 2002)(PDF, 58 KB)
ILK-11 E
- ILK Statement on the Handling of the GRS Catalog of Questions on the “Practice of Safety Management in German Nuclear Power Plants”? (July 2002)(PDF, 80 KB)
ILK-10 E
- ILK Statement on the General Conclusions Drawn from the KKP 2 Incidents associated with the Refueling Outage of 2001 (May 2002) (PDF,54 KB)
ILK-09 E
- ILK Statement on the Potential Suitability of the Gorleben Site as a Deep Repository for Radioactive Waste (January 2002)(PDF,61 KB)
ILK-08 E
- ILK Statement on Reprocessing of Spent Fuel Elements (November 2001)(PDF,104 KB)
ILK-07 E
- ILK Statement on the Draft Amendment dating from July 5, 2001 to the Atomic Energy Act (October 2001)(PDF,588 KB)
ILK-06 E
- ILK Recommendation on the Promotion of International Technical and Scientific Contacts of the Nuclear Safety Authorities of the German States (October 2001)(PDF, 502 KB)
ILK-05 E
- ILK Recommendations on the Use of Probabilistic Safety Assessments in Nuclear Licensing and Supervision Processes (May 2001)(PDF,95 KB)
ILK-04 E
- ILK-Statement on the Safety of Nuclear Energy Utilisation in Germany (July 2000)(PDF, 162 KB)
ILK-03 E
- ILK-Statement on the Final Storage of Radioactive Waste (July 2000)(PDF,61 KB)
ILK-02 E
- ILK-Statement on the Transportation of Spent Fuel Elements and Vitrified High Level Waste (July 2000)(PDF,75 KB)
ILK-01 E
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